A Letter from Janelle

The colours of the trees, the smell in the air, the cool night breeze, the afternoon rain.. soon to be snow! My favourite time of year is here in Colorado. He paints us intricate sunsets in the sky and gives us beauty all around us to behold. Sometimes this makes me wonder how some do not realise God exists. We have a father in heaven who is profoundly jealous over us! A God who hurts the same way we hurt when bad things happen. Who are we to question God, for ‘every good and perfect gift is from above’. He knows everything about us. He ‘formed our inward parts and knitted us together in our mother’s womb.’ His plans are good for us. The spiritual darkness that we fight against daily sometimes does seem to win. BUT ‘count it all joy when you face trials for it tests your faith!’ And God knows and He has never forsaken us. ‘He fights for us, we need only to be still!’

However, the original text of the word “still” means to be active. To continue to wait on the Lord and seek Him, but not just sit around. Being proactive to seeing the Lord’s words come to fruition. Even if this means to pray for someone or something for 3, 5, 10 years!! Sometimes we do not know what the Lord is doing, but it isn’t our job to know. It is our job to trust, obey and to do. To seek Him daily because in His presence there is fullness of joy!! For it is you and only you who can make a difference in your own life. You can’t just wait for things to change on their own. You start a change in your own life.


The theme of this season for me right now. More so, an inward change in me. When I look back on the past two years I have been with YWAM Denver, I cannot seem to stop thanking Him for His beautiful grace! I recently was reminded about the meaning of my name. Janelle means God is gracious! And wow has He been gracious – my entire life! Time and time again we can easily take advantage of God’s grace, knowing He would forgive us because He is a good God. I have kicked myself when I realise I do this. God does not deserve to be treated that way!! We need to be more serious in the things the Lord has entrusted us with. To take him more seriously, our lives more seriously and others more seriously. To live a life of stewardship.

I have known the Lord brought me here for many reasons. I am beginning to see some fruit come out of this journey! It is beautiful and hard and great and difficult. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have learned to accept things the way they are, to let my yes be yes and my no be no, to be as straightforward as I can (although I do still find myself struggling with this, but I have my wonderful fiancee to help me in this! Thank you England!), to not hold on tightly to things and let the Lord move, to serve from a place of excellence and not for excellence, to be in the presence of the Lord daily for I will find fullness of joy, to be thankful at ALL times, and to love the best that I can love; to serve, to humble myself, to pray, to be proactive and active, to be patient and gracious and quick to forgive.

What’s happening now?

I have been thankful to say that I have been seeing my gifts come alive whilst serving here at YWAM Denver. I have been working in the registration office. I get to be one of the first point people for future students. I get to pray over students on the phone and through email. Our department takes care of all applications that come in and out, visa letters, filter out all emails that come in to our base, and much more. I also have been a part of a worship team and getting to help lead our community on Wednesday and Friday morning worship times! It has been a huge blessing getting to play piano for the Lord and see Him move and change hearts through music! On top of that, I have the wonderful privilege of being the Intercession department assistant this term. This department is in charge of planning and preparing all corporate intercession times for Wednesday and Friday mornings. This meaning, as a community we pray over specific nations and topics. Topics including injustices in the world, current world events, our teams that are on the road, leadership, etc. It has been a great opportunity getting to hear from the Lord and partner with what He is doing in the world and in our community.

Well, seven more months until Steph and I are married! We have been enjoying our engagement and loving our life here in Colorado. We get to serve an amazing God and train young people to be sent out into the world to share God’s love. We currently are running five training schools that include students from 9 different nationalities all growing and learning together! These students leave here transformed ready to take on a new role wherever the Lord may lead them. Whether this be full-time ministry, education, government, church, media, etc. This world needs leaders who love!

I would love for more people to join my support team for me to continue serving the Lord here in Colorado as a full-time missionary. To pray and/or support me monthly! Please consider asking the Lord if He would love for you to join what He is doing in my life here in Denver and the surrounding area!


prayer points.

  • Please keep Steph and I in your prayers as we continue to serve with YWAM Denver; that we serve with passion, purpose, humility and love!
  • Please keep Steph and I in your prayers as we plan our wedding!
  • Please pray for the finances we need to raise over the next 6 months in order to take the appropriate financial steps into our marriage!
  • Please pray for us in the area of leadership, that God would really strengthen us and teach us how to lead with His heart and goals leading the way.
  • Please pray God would give us wisdom and understanding as we disciple and walk alongside these students.

So much!!


Hope you are enjoying your summer! Sorry it has been too long! Exciting things have been happening around here. For one… Steph and I are getting married!! EeeeeEeEEEeeee! We got engaged on my birthday (April 15th)! He chose the day well because I never expected it! I am so incredibly blessed and thankful that I get to spend forever with this wonderful man! I am also so grateful that we both get to do full-time ministry together! Which leads me to my other news…

Here at YWAM, on May 11th we kicked off our summer term with 70 new students. We have five schools currently running. Two Discipleship Training Schools (DTS) – one at our new campus in Peoria, Colorado right outside of Aspen called Electric Mountain Lodge where we are running our Adventure DTS and a Fire & Fragrance DTS that is running at are Arvada main campus. We are also running three secondary schools – School of Ministry Development, School of Worship and WISE (Worship, Intercession, Spiritual Warfare and Evangelism). God has been moving tremendously in all these schools and I am expectant for Him to continue doing amazing things. I am working in our lovely registrar’s office talking and praying with students, processing applications, writing visa letters for international students, and much more. I also am leading our kitchen lunch crew, where we make lunch for about 120 people every day. It has kept me busy, but the crew I work with is so much fun! It has been nice having variety. In addition, I have had the privilege of joining a worship team, which has been so worthwhile. We switch off with other teams. We lead the community in worship Wednesday and Friday of one week every month. Thank you Jesus for my life!!

As we move into week 5 of lectures for the current schools, we welcome back 5 of our outreach teams that have been on the road for the past 2 months in different countries including: Mexico, Philippines, China, Nepal and an Around the World team that went to 8 different nations sharing the good news! I will be assisting our Compassion DTS School Director for the week helping him manage logistics and other details to help finish off their last week of their school. I also get to welcome back my two small group girls and get to hear all what God did in their lives and all that they learned and how He continued to transform them. These students all come back for one full week of debrief which includes different lectures one being: “re-entry” into their lives outside of YWAM and some re-bonding time with all the other teams, and much more. Then we get to graduate them on Friday and commission them off to wherever God may be leading them next.

I have been blessed to be a part of this ministry, where we get to disciple, champion, encourage and challenge young people to know God and make Him known! Then we get to send them out into the nations. I am stoked to see how God uses them! These young people are Kingdom shapers and world changers! Thank you for supporting what God has called me to be a part of!

Please pray for:

– This next week’s “Debrief” week to go smoothly and stress-free and that it is full of fun, joy and heart felt moments before sending these students off.

– Solid support team and solid monthly financial support for both Steph and I to take this next step into marriage and to continue in full-time ministry!

– Steph and I to have a beautiful, fun, joyful, good and memorable engagement – For tons of patience and grace as we wait.. We won’t be getting married until May 15, 2016.  Please pray that the wedding planning goes really smoothly and peacefully and that everything leading up to the marriage license goes well with Steph’s current religious worker’s visa and that all the logistics go smoothly! Also, that all of his family from England are able to make it out :)

Thank you for your love and support! I love you dearly! Please let me know if there is anything I can be praying for!



It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day

Hey World!   Over a year ago, on December 28th, 2013 I joined staff at Youth With a Mission Denver. I can’t believe that a whole year has come and gone! God has done so many amazing things here and I want to thank you all for having been apart of what God has called me to! Thank you for all of your prayers and support over this year!

As most of you may know, Steph and I spent the holidays in England, meeting with supporters and me getting to know his family. It was such a wonderful blessing to be a part of their Christmas season and a beautiful way to end 2014. Thank you for all of your prayers for his visa! He has received a two year Religious Workers VISA that will allow him to stay and continue serving with Youth With a Mission Denver! Thank you Jesus!
As 2015 began, we had a lot of amazing challenges ahead of us. This winter term we are running a Snowboarders DTS, which is located up at our mountain campus about 45 minutes away, and three schools at our main campus down in Arvada: School of Biblical Foundation, School of Ministry Development and a Compassion DTS. I have had the privilege so far to be staffing our Compassion DTS. These group of students have come from all over to seek and know what a true relationship with our Jesus looks like! It has been so amazing getting to be a part of this school and seeing more of God’s calling on my life come alive.
I have a huge passion for seeing others released into their own passions and helping God work through them to see truth and to walk in freedom from the things that the enemy has tried to ‘kill, steal and destroy’. I have seen some of the walls in these students lives not just get broken down brick by brick, but blown to bits all together. God is doing an amazing work in all of these schools right now and I know that I am meant to be here for ‘such a time as this’!
Prayer Requests:
— For these students to continue pressing in and being more and more open to what God has for them in this season!
— For more passion in my life, wisdom and discernment, especially as I lead this small group and staff this school!
— For growth in my time management
— For wisdom, discernment and continual growth: spiritually and communicatively in my relationship with Steph
— For monthly support: I am still in need of $400 in monthly support
Thank you everyone for reading my rather long updates, and continuing to be a part of my life and what God is doing through it! I love you all and hope you are all doing well!
 Blessings form Colorado! — Janelle

Fa la la la FALL!

Fall is finally here! Oranges, yellows, reds, greens and even some purples… God thank you! I would have to say this is definitely my favorite time of the year.

So September entailed much. We wrapped up the end of our summer quarter; graduated our secondary students, including my Art in Missions (AIM) school I was staffing, as well as sent off our Discipleship Training School (DTS) students on outreach with an “Around the World” team that went to multiple locations and teams that went to Indonesia, Trinidad and Mexico to set captives free, bring the gospel truth and Kingdom, and show the love of GOD! I am so proud of all of them!

We also had the privilege of celebrating YWAM Denver’s 30’th anniversary! I have only been with YWAM Denver for only little over a year now, but it was such an amazing reminder that God is ALWAYS moving. I am so blessed to be a part of this ministry, a ministry that was built 30 years ago by just a few people passionate to see God’s heart revealed in Colorado! And to see now how far it has come and how big it has grown is amazing! God you are so good!

God has been doing amazing things here! While we have sent off students all around the world, we have welcomed new students here on September 29th to begin our Fall quarter. This is usually our biggest quarter of every year with this one having around 140 students! We have four schools running at the moment – Musicians DTS, Young Peoples DTS, School of Social Justice and our School of Ministry Development and we are about to go into our second week of lectures. I have already seen such a big transformation within these students hearts and minds and God breaking down walls and setting them free from so many lies from the enemy!

I am still working in administration as the Speaker Coordinator assistant this quarter. I schedule and coordinate all speakers that come in and out of this base for all the schools for the whole year. I have absolutely been loving it and have been blessed to be in administration. I have come to find that it is actually one of my spiritual gifts.. I am also serving the base in the kitchen department, housekeeping, child care and worship. I love my job and love how multifaceted it is and how it has allowed me to serve in multiple different ways!

On a personal note, Steph and I have joined a “Life Group” at our church – Mile High Vineyard Church – three weeks ago. It is called DINKS – Double Income No KidS. It’s a group for seriously dating, engaged and married couples with no kids. It has been incredibly refreshing and a huge blessing to be a part of this group. There are around ten couples that are in it. Steph and I have been blessed to share and learn from other couples and are excited to see how God moves through us these next couple months.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. If you all can continue to pray for me as I continue in full-time ministry!
– Please be praying for these students that they would continue to be open to allow God to move and to have His way with them. For them to be transformed by the renewing of their minds.
– Please continue to pray for provision both financially and prayerfully.
– For finances for Steph and I to buy our plane tickets to go to England this December in order for Steph to get his visa and for me to meet his family!
– For refreshment, passion, energy, self-discipline and for more intentionality in growing relationships and solid friendships here
– For Steph – for guidance, wisdom and discernment with future prospects

Please let me know how I can be praying for any of you! If you have any questions and/or you are interested in supporting me or would like to make a donation, please contact me either through here or email me at liliajanelle@gmail.com.

Hope you have all enjoyed your week. Yay it’s FRIDAY! Have a blessed and fun weekend!

Love you all – J

August rush

Hey world!

July and August have gone… Wow where does the time go?

So July and August .-`  Full of lots of sun. The weather here has been extremely bipolar, but overall a pretty hot summer here in the mountains! Our Art in Missions school has been working so hard. Week to week we have had some incredibly talented teachers come in. We have had topics ranging from oil painting, graffiti, mixed media, living a lifestyle of creativity, creativity in missions, art and healing to art evangelism. It has been a full load and the students have taken it all head on. I have seen them all grow not just in their artistic abilities and technique, but also in their identity and relationship with Jesus! I have seen them all overcome many obstacles, struggles, lies, and not to mention many many projects and deadlines! I am so proud of all of them.  I have been blessed to be a part of school (and base) that trains young people & artists to go out into the mission field and am blessed to be a part of what God is doing in their lives!

On a personal note .-` this summer has been a roller coaster ride emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally. God has been teaching me so much on humility, grace, trust, joy, and diligence. He has taught me the importance of community and being humble and vulnerable with those he has placed in my life. To humble myself when I do need help and prayer and reach out and ask those around me and to keep short accounts with one another. He has been teaching me the importance of rest, but more importantly resting in His Grace! How to also give myself grace and that it is okay to fail, as long as I keep persevering and growing. To keep my heart in tune with His heartbeat so that I won’t drift away. To fervently seek Him and fix my eyes on Jesus and not my circumstances because He ultimately knows what is best for me and has amazing plans for me so why worry? His yoke is easy and His burden is so light. I am learning how to walk this out daily and to be diligent and intentional in my walk with Him and those around me.

God has never ceased to amaze me! He has been teaching me also more about patience in prayer, but also how patience doesn’t have to be a hard and annoying thing but a beautiful thing! For when I wait on the Lord, He will reveal more beauty to me. Patience brings courage, strength, understanding, but most of all HOPE… hope for the future! So as I wait on the Lord for answers, for provision, wisdom, understanding and healing… I will love, hope and trust in Him that no matter the outcome, He is always GOOD! For his provision is everlasting and faithful!!

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” – 2 Corinthians 12.9-10

I cannot do all this alone I know, for God alone is the one who strengthens me. For when I am weak He is strong. Therefore I will trust in Him. However, I also in humility come to you, my family and friends. I ask for your partnership in prayer! For there is power in prayer and in numbers. “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people…” (1 Timothy 2.1) “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him – a threefold cord is not quickly broken” — (Ecclesiastes 4.9-12) “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” (Romand 8.26) “Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you..” (2 Thessalonians 3.1).

I am confident that God has gifted me to be a part of this ministry. To disciple and train and serve! As I have been serving Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Denver full-time for 10 months now and will be committing to another year in April, 2015, I am seeking your partnership in prayer and monthly financial support that will help me with my staff fees and daily living expenses. Everyone who is serving with YWAM around the world are all full-time volunteers and raise their own support through churches, families, friends, fundraisers, etc. My goal is to reach $12,000 at the end of the year, which is $1,000 per month. For prayer and an update, as of now I am in need of $700 in monthly support. If you would like to partner with me financially and be a part of what God is doing in my life, you can either choose to pay online with a one time donation or set up a monthly payment at: http://www.ywamdenver.org/donations by checking the staff support and typing my name in the box (Janelle Burns) and filling out the rest of your information, or you can mail a check made out to me at:

Janelle Burns

12750 W 63rd Ave

Arvada, Colorado 80004

If you prefer to make your check tax-deductible, please make it out to Youth With A Mission and place a post-it with my name on it, but no memo, but please make sure to put my name on it somewhere :) If you have any other questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me through here or by my email: liliajanelle@gmail.com.

I am so blessed to be a part of this YWAM base that is training and discipling young people to go out to all nations and to all different spheres of society. I hope you all can come along side me and the other thousands and thousands who are part of this ministry to help further God’s kingdom.


If you could please be praying for the following:

– For provision to continue in the ministry that God has called me to serve with here at YWAM Denver – I am still in need of $700 in monthly support

-Pray for this next quarter’s students coming in September 29th – for provision, for visas, for open hearts to allow God to really move in their lives!

– For the home that I have been living in for 3 months now… that my relationship with this family would continue to grow and be full of love, life and truth

– Pray that my relationship with Steph would continue to grow stronger and stay pure and wise and be full of joy and love and truth!! And that his visa will be processed smoothly, speedily and reasonably!!

– For provision for Steph and me to be able to go to England at the end of the year (December 13th through January 3rd) when he has to return to receive his visa. I am planning on going with him to meet his family before we can move on to the “next step” (*ding dong ding dong*)


“And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” – Philippians 1.9-11


Blessings and Love,



P.S. I woke up Friday morning to our first snow fall of the year!! Crazy. And just more proof of how bipolar the weather is here… its currently 82 out and sunny again… I am ready for more snow! Bring on winter!


Summer time!

Hello world!

So June has come and gone and I promised you I would update you all at the end of June. So oops, I apologize for my lateness…

June was full of much excitement. As most of you may know, we started a new quarter June 23. I have had the privilege to staff another secondary school – the Art in Missions school. We have 8 students who have come from all around to grow in their art skills and learn how to create more with God and find new revelation of who He is and who He created them to be!

Three weeks have come and gone and we are half way through our fourth week of lectures. Our first week of each quarter is always bonding week. We had a school party where we played a few games including “what’s your sign” and “Fish Bowl”, great ice-breaker games as well as a field trip at the end of the week to explore and meander through a cute little old town – Idaho Springs. Our second week began our lectures with “God as a communicator”, which was a great way to set the tone for our school. Our third week was a skills week, where our school director, Katie, taught on drawing. We had many staff volunteer as models to pose and sit for our class. We had them do many jester drawings (1 to 2 minute sketches) of our models as well as much longer posed ones, about 30 minutes to an hour. Here is one of my sketches from the week (of my boyfriend Steph, who was one of our volunteer models)

My man modeling for our drawing class :)

My man modeling for our drawing class :)


So we are now in our fourth week of lectures and it’s another skill week. We have Don Harding, an art teacher, teaching us on different techniques and some basics on acrylic. It has been such a blessing to be a part of these classes and seeing all the pieces that these students are creating!

This saturday we have the privilege of working with a local non-profit called Art and Justice League at their event they are putting on – “Letting Kids be Kids – empowering children through creativity.” As an Art school we will be helping them run the event and partnering with them to see children from all around come together and be kids and do art! Next week is going to be slightly different. Our topic is on “prophetic art”, which I must say I am a bit ecstatic about and eager to see what God has in store for us!

As for my responsibilities this quarter, I am still working in administration as the speaker coordinator. My schedule every day is a mixture of alternating slots with speaker coordinator and class. My class times vary as well. Sometimes, I am just sitting and soaking in what each speaker teaches on, while being a facilitator or helper in the classroom and other class times I help or lead reflection time, discussion time, or critiquing their art.

I also have the privilege of leading a small group again. I have three lovely ladies, who I feel have blessed me more already than I have blessed them! I get to mentor and advise them while they are here this quarter and help them through the struggles of life and help them understand the revelations that God gives them, as well as praying and being a support for them through there time here! I get to be a part of what God is doing in their lives and get to see them molded by the Father even more beautifully than when they arrived. l hope to continue a beautiful friendship with them as they leave this place!

On a more personal note, June took a rather different toll on me. After much prayer alone and with the people I had been living with, it was time for a change. God is so good though and answers prayer in creative cool ways. As most of you may know we had only a weekend turnover between school quarters. I was still processing saying goodbye to my School of Worship students while I had to welcome my Art in Missions students over a weekend period as well as packing up my current living situation to move into a new place at the end of the first week of the new quarter. Not to mention of course that I am a girl and worry… I had been stressing about many things and had lots on my mind. I mainly was struggling with finding a balance in my schedule of God time, people time and me time and it took a toll on me. I needed time to process my life…

BUT… God is ALWAYS good! Even in the midst of chaos, He brought something very beautiful out of it. I moved in with a lovely family who attend the same church I go to. They rent a room out to me and have welcomed me into their home and their family. I live with a couple and their eight year old boy – Ed, Karen and Ethan. Ed, originally form New York and Karen who is from England, have been so warm and welcoming to me. I already feel like I have known them for much longer than I have and am part of their family! I have settled in quite nicely and have had much more needed time to “process”…

I am so blessed and so thankful to God for the life that I am living right now. God has grown me so much over this whole year I have been with YWAM Denver. Wow! A year! I remember driving out here with my little sister last June to do the School of Biblical Foundations, where little did I know God was beginning something new in me!

My deepest thank you to you all for your prayers and for your support over this year. It has been a hard yet fulfilling and beautiful journey so far! Thank you for investing in me and what God is doing out here! Please continue to pray for me, because even though I am in the United States, it is still a battle here. Spiritual warfare! The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy…BUT Jesus came so that we may have life ABUNDANTLY!! And this is my prayer for these students and people around us here in Colorado that they would be completely engulfed by the Father’s love and by the abundance of life that He gives!


Prayer requests:

– For provision to continue in the ministry that God has called me to serve with here – I am still in need of $600 in monthly support

– Pray that these students would fully engage themselves and take advantage of their time here and soak up all that they can! That they would be deeply rooted in truth and receive new revelation daily of who God is and who He created them to be!

– For my new home, that my relationship with this new family would continue to grow and be full of love, life and truth

– Pray that my relationship with my past home parents would still grow – we have decided to have a catch up day once a month and check in with each other, which is a blessing!

– Pray that my relationship with Steph would continue to grow stronger and stay pure and wise and be full of joy and love and truth as well!! And that his visa will be processed smoothly, speedily and reasonably!!

– For provision for Steph and me to be able to go to England at the end of the year when he has to return to receive his visa. I am planning on going with him to meet his family before we can move on to the “next step” (*ding dong ding dong*)


Okay… I think that is enough for now. I feel I have worded you all out! Thank you for reading and loving on me!! I pray that you are all incredibly blessed and as you abide in Him that He abides in you and that you find more and more joy in his presence!! (Psalm 16.11)


Love you all!!


Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer (Romans 12.12). Find rest oh my soul in God alone my hope comes from Him (Psalm 62.5). For those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint (Isaiah 40.31). Therefore, my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will also live in hope (Acts 2.26). And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom He has given us (Romans 5.5). May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15.13). Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10.23).



Spring has come and gone…

Another month has come and gone here in the beautiful mountain state of Colorado and God has been doing a good deal of work in me. He has stretched me in different areas, in which I thought I had dealt with already. Areas I have come to realize, all relate to one thing… PATIENCE!

And this is where the ‘onion’ comes in… Layers and layers and layers of deep work. Sometimes we may feel like we have dealt with something, but then we come to realize that certain things keep coming around. Don’t be afraid or worried because God wants to go deeper with you… not to bring shame. “There is therefore now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8.1). God wants to pull away another layer to reveal a newer truth or revelation of who God is, of who He created you to be, of your character, or of who someone else truly is and who God created them to be! And this is a constant thing throughout our lives not just a one time thing or even over night because growth takes time and patience!

So… Patience. Who struggles with patience? It’s everyday for me. It’s waiting in line, it’s communicating – whether that’s with a friend or with family or with that special person, your husband or wife, or in front of a class or through an email, it’s waiting for dreams to be fulfilled, for that one person to turn in that form so you can do your job right and on time, for answers, when teaching and waiting on a student to understand something on their own… Patience is in every decision you make, in seeing results to something, in waiting on financial support – any support to come in, in seeing ministries and your work bear fruit, in seeing a vision come to fruition… Patience.. It’s quite extraordinarily important yet so simple. Just simply wait. Be still. Listen… ‘Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger..’ (James 1.19).

Unfortunately, we tend to complicate so many things in our lives, don’t we? Yet if we take a step back and think about our situations, continually pray with thanksgiving and seek God fully and ‘be still and know that God is God!’ (Psalm 46.10).. We will find peace amongst all that patience for we will see the truth and see the one whom we ultimately are satisfied with… Our Heavenly Father… when we actually take that step back and really look at the situation at hand and then give it to God. Putting our situation in His hands and completely trusting Him alone! For trust also comes through patience. Trusting God in His timing.

I know, truly, patience sucks!! It’s hard and painful sometimes. However, I don’t believe it ever needs to be full of fear and doubt and worry and burdens and anxiety (which I personally experienced this last month). When we really are patient and seek God and wait on HIS timing we grow and there is peace, love, joy, character building, truth found, answers fulfilled in a perfect time, fun and excitement for there are no worries of what’s to come… REST!

So I urge you all, be patient. Wait on the Lord. Trust. Allow love to fill you up because perfect love from above casts out all fear!! (1 John 4.18).

I didn’t think I’d be going into all that, but I felt the need to share… So thanks for your patience (pun intended)! Hope that at least resonates with someone…. So… Moving on…

Steph and I have had the privilege of having an awesome couple on the YWAM Denver base mentor us. The first couple months were hard and challenging yet encouraging and honestly fulfilling in what we wanted out of mentor-ship. God has blessed us with great friendships, truth for both sides and fun fellowship! It’s great to have another couple (who is married and has one kid) be willing to give up some time to really pour into our lives and help us succeed and grow as a couple. It’s been such a blessing to have people we can confide in and talk about day to day struggles as a couple because they went through the exact same things before marriage and have authority to speak into our lives and help us have a really healthy godly relationship!

On that note, life in YWAM has been going well. My job as speaker coordinator has been going well. I am in the process of updating our manual, sending out confirmation letters to speakers for our summer quarter which starts in 3 weeks! Wow! As well as invitation letters for fall quarter and updating a bunch of other material in regards to the job. I love administration and have been blessed by working in the office. I am only in there, however, one to two slots every day due to me also staffing the School of Worship.

Our School of Worship that I’ve been incredibly blessed to be a part of this quarter, is on their last 3 weeks of school. It’s gone by incredibly fast. We just came out of a full week of recording in the studio, my small group leading our community in worship, workshops, and heaps of fellowship and bonding times. I am so proud of our students. They have really grown and broken through a lot of fears and walls/barriers of ‘perfection’ (feeling like they need to fit in this certain box, or live up to certain standards), ‘fear of man’ (being afraid of what others think or acting certain ways for acceptance) and seeking their value from people and not in and from God… A lot of them have broken out of their shells and have really found their true identity in Christ and have found new ways to use their gifts and talents. These next two weeks will be lectures again on topics of ‘Worship in Missions’, and ‘Lifestyle of a Worshiper’. I will be leading our reflection time over our last lecture week, which I’m excited about. I have something fun and creative planned :) … Then we will end our quarter with our school director leading, some fun events including a huge Worship Art Gallery that our students will be putting on themselves, and graduation! I will explain more in my next monthly update with what all June holds!

Thank you all for your prayers and your support. Some prayer requests:

– I am still in need of $700 in monthly support
– That I will continue to be consistent in prayer and endurance and strength in being patient for answers and open doors
– In our students finishing out the quarter strong and passionately!
– In my relationship with Steph, that we would fully continue to put God first and to seek him in all!
– For Steph’s back… He has been having major problems with his lower back that has prevented him from doing a lot of work and bending over lifting things up. The chiropractor feels that it’s a possible slipped disc and has had him come back multiple times to monitor it which requires a lot to budget for. So please be praying for provision for that and for healing!
– For Steph’s Religious Visa (R1) he has been in process for – that it would be a speedy process, for finances to come through for the process for it is an expensive visa and that we can begin booking flights and planning trip to England at the end of the year for me to meet his family. We are hoping to do this all at once when he has to go back to get the actual visa (if you have any questions regarding this or anything else please let me know)

Thank you all again for your interest in reading about my life and my ministry and what God has been doing! I pray you all are doing well and I send you blessings from Colorado!!

Love y’all!